Building our CWL team now

Tag: #L8L28280 - Apply by discord: https://discord.gg/frTtT4w

// Players +

Recruiting now:

  1. TH14 for main clan and TH12+ for some family clans. We also accept th3+ for big war events.
  2. Loyal
  3. Respectful
  4. English Speaker
  5. Play clan games
  6. Very Active
  7. Apply by discord: https://discord.gg/frTtT4w


Family Clans:

  1. Downfall Legend (Champion 3) #8LPGJQ0R
  2. SQUAD (MLCW, NDL, WCL, Esports clan) #2C0CL9UU
  3. Hayao eSpots (TH3+ join for 50v50 wars) #2PYQ2QYUU
  4. TOXIC WARRIORS (Crystal 1) #VCY28YL2
  5. BLTS ALSUT (Hayao Tournament clan and CWL Master 1) #YJ90R9V9
  6. #CHALANGE ME! (Master 2) #8YJLQVLCC


Links for recruitment:

  1. SuperCell: Need a Clan
  2. SuperCell: Looking for Clanmates
  3. reddit
  4. clash of stats
  5. clashchamps

Our clan:

Always Max Clan Games

Wins: 456 Losses: 82


Watch the following YouTube channels:


Ticticboom Gaming

Clash with Ian

Look for "championship war base th14 2021" on Youtube and bait it.

Look for the best strategies for you.

Practice, practice and practice.


Donate what's requested

Be respectful

Challenge after request

Be active and practice

Play clan games

Keep your war preferences updated (green or red)

Elder and co are earned

Read daily your inbox, specially when you are in war

Read daily our discord server for announcements and directions

War Rules:

Use your 2 attacks in war

Get latest anti-2 stars war base

Must have a decent attack in war

If you claim a bease, please attack in the next 2 hours

Your heros must be up

Wait for lower players attack first

Lower players must use your 2 attacks in the first 6 hours

We attack for more stars, you don't have to attack your mirror

Ask co if you don't know your target

War Statistics:

Wins: 456 ----- Losses: 82

Updated on 04/18/2021